菲律賓規定捕撈鮪魚年限額為165,000公噸菲律賓漁業水產資源局(BFAR)為挽救日益衰退的鮪魚資源,呼籲漁業界配合政府每年捕撈鮪魚上限165,000公噸的規定,以期完成刪減300艘菲國籍作業漁船的終極目標。2011年在菲國水域作業的菲籍漁資產管理公司船鮪魚卸魚量並不包括自PNG及印尼進口的冷凍鮪魚。菲國著名的鮪魚大城General Santos過去五年創造逾25,000萬美元的收益,2011年G市漁港總卸魚量達112,891公噸(多為鮪魚或鮪類魚種),包括進口冷凍鮪魚86公噸及G市六大罐頭廠自馬澎湖民宿尼拉買進的原料魚。BFAR與G市鮪漁業以漁業永續經營為要,協議逐步淘汰162艘鮪魚圍網船。BFAR力推減船、縮短作業天數、於鮪魚產卵水域禁漁等三大降低國內鮪魚漁獲量措施。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 14/2012, 1 August 情趣用品2012) BFAR SETS TUNA CATCH CEILING AT 165,000 MT PER YEARThe Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) said Filipino fishing companies will have toagree to a 165,000 MT annual ceiling of tuna catches and 房屋二胎eventually a reduction of some of the 300fishing vessels in the country in a move to arrest declining tuna catches.The figure represents the 2011 tuna landings throughout the country by Filipino fishing vessels 買屋operating in Philippine waters and does not include imported frozen tunas from Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. Data from the General Santos City Fish Port Complex show that total fish landings in the city last 長灘島year was 112,891 MT, most of these were tuna or tuna-like species. It included the combined 86 MT of imported frozen tuna and those shipped from Manila for the city’s six canning factories. This city has been 帛琉acknowledged as the country’s Tuna Capital, which has been generating an average of more than US$250 million in revenues over the last five years. BFAR agreed with a General Santos City tuna fishing industry 借貸that majority of the 162 tuna purse seines will have to be decommissioned to keep the industry afloat. BFAR is pushing for three major steps to manage the country’s depleting tuna catches i.e. reduction of 室內裝潢fishing vessels, reducing the number of fishing days and adopting a closed season specially in known tuna spawning areas.

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